Recently, one of our clients started to get $.widget is not a function JS error on their Magento 2 store and as a result, customers weren’t able to complete their checkout.
The error was present on Minicart, Product view page, and Checkout page and even changing to default Magento 2 template did not fix the issue. Eventually, I found that the issue was with Magento JS merging and I was able to fix the issue by making the following changes:
Merge all javascript files:
In Backend go to:
Stores -> Configuration -> Advanced -> Developer -> JavaScript Settings
- Enable JavaScript Bundling
- Merge JavaScript Files
- Minify JavaScript Files (Optional)
Deploy the static files
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Clear cache under System -> Cache Management
- In
Additional Cache Management
region choose the ButtonFlush CSS/Javascript Cache
- And
Flush Magento Cache
Now clear Cache in Browser and reload. Everything should be back to normal now.